MPS Grounding Clamps Approved for ASTM F855-2009

MPS grounding clamps have been tested and approved for the revised ASTM F855-2009 for asymmetric fault current with grade 5H and 7H. MPS has grounding products approved for 5H and 7H in substation, transmission and distribution applications. These designs include time proven features of lubrication chamber for upkeep of eyescrew threads and strain relief for protection of the drain cable. In the substation HC10041A is the only Grade 7H clamp on the market and new designs of 01-M-47 and 01-M-52 offer an improved method for grounding bus bar. See the enclosed brochure for the entire MPS offering for grounding products that meet the grade 5H and 7H criteria. Also view the attached video on our 7H testing and observe why only the best of the best can meet these requirements.

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