
High Capacity Displacement Piles

MacLean’s Excalibur Displacement and Pressure Grouted Piles are large diameter pipe piles designed to resist massive amounts of axial and lateral loads. These piles utilize a bolted or threaded coupler system and are installed using common hydraulic rotary equipment. Each component, from the shaft diameter and wall thickness to the grout column diameter, is custom sized to fit your project’s specifications.


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Features & Advantages

Excaliburâ„¢ Displacement Piles offer state of the art features and advantages to save you time and money while delivering a superior deep foundation pile. Hover over the icons on the right to see some of these features offered by our pressure grouted and steel Excaliburâ„¢ Piles:

Greater Load Support

Pressure grouted piles can offer significantly greater geotechnical and structural maximum load capacities

Simpler Install

Threaded couplers eliminate downtime spent placing multiple sets of hardware on each extension

Lower Noise Levels

Installations are relatively quiet and produce minimal vibrations, making them an ideal foundation solution in urban and sensitive areas

More Locations

Utilizing a grouted pile allows for more consistent load capabilities in a variety of soil conditions

Environmentally Friendly

Displacement piles have minimal effect on the terrain, environment, and wildlife, making them a green foundation solution

Hover Over Icons to See Details

Threaded or Bolted


Bolted Threaded

Non-Grouted vs Grouted Solutions

Excaliburâ„¢ High Capacity Displacement Piles are fabricated from high-strength steel and can be utilized with our without grout.

Pressure grouted piles generate much higher skin friction resistances than gravity fed grouted piles. They are able to take advantage of higher grout-to-ground bond strength factors.

Hover to Explore
excalibur Non-Grouted High Capacity Displacement Pile excalibur Grouted High Capacity Displacement Pile


Excaliburâ„¢ Product Overview Video

Excalibur Video Thumbnail Image

Excaliburâ„¢ High Capacity Pile Features and Advantages

More Excaliburâ„¢ Products:

Maclean Power systems offers a wide range of High Capacity Pile Products to meet your needs.

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