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Station Post

MPS offers polymer Station Posts for line voltages class of 7.5 kV - 500 kV. These Station Posts are designed to ANSI C29.19 standards. These polymer Station Post meet the mechanical heights and comparable electrical performance of their equivalent porcelain TR numbers in ANSI C29.9, meaning they can be direct replacements for porcelain Station Posts in most cases.


• 1/3 of the weight of a porcelain station post
• E Grade Epoxy Fiberglass Core
• Silicone housing for heightened electrical properties and resistance to contamination
• MPS’s Biaxial Compression Sealing System implemented on 69kv and Above

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Catalog Number TR/PSP Number Line Voltage (kV) BIL Rating (kV) Height (in) SCL MDCL (lbs) Weight (lbs) STL (lbs) Compression (lbs) Leakage (in) Deflection @ TR MWL (in)* CIFO + Low Frequency Wet Withstand Critical Impulse Withstand
NAA100XH09S 231 34.5 200 20.0 4000 1600 30 6500 25000 40.8 0.3 225 80 225
NAA100XH06S 227 23 150 15.0 4000 1600 23 8000 25000 27.0 0.2 170 60 170
NAA100XH12S 267 46 250 24.0 4000 1600 34 5500 25000 53.0 0.6 280 100 280
NAA100XH16S 278 69 350 30.0 3000 1200 38 4400 25000 72.0 0.7 390 145 390
P4 50 50 050 AX SS 019 295 161 750 62 6620 3310 85 25500 17500 140.6 0.9 847 358 753
P4 50 50 094 AB SS 037 324 345 1300 106 3660 1830 137 25000 25000 280 3.9 1503 628 1321
P2 50 50 053 BX SS 026 291 161 750 62.0 2920 1460 60 17500 17500 166.5 3.1 891 376 791
P2 53 53 070 BB SS 033 304P 230 900 80 2300 1150 79 17500 17500 216.2 4.6 1151 484 1016
NPP20XG05S 202 7.5 95 7.5 2000 800 6 2000 10000 12.7 0.1 105 30 105
NPP20XG07S 205 15 110 10 2000 800 7 2000 10000 20.5 0.1 125 45 125
NPP20XG15S 210 34.5 200 18.0 2000 800 10 2000 10000 43.9 0.7 225 80 225
NPP20XG11S 208 23 150 14.0 2000 800 9 2000 10000 32.2 0.2 170 60 170
NPP20XG19S 214 46 250 22.0 2000 800 12 2000 10000 55.6 0.8 280 100 280
NPP20XG27S 216 69 350 30.0 1500 600 17 1500 7500 77.0 1.5 390 145 390
P4 50 50 018 MX SS 011 279 69 350 30 2000 0.1 6 25500 25500 62 0.2 390 30 350
P2 50 50 037 MX SS 019 286 115 550 45 2800 1400 44 17500 17500 118.7 1.1 610 230 550
P4 50 50 033 MX SS 020 287 115 550 45 7100 3550 68 25500 25500 112.8 0.5 610 230 550
P2 50 50 046 MX SS 023 288 138 650 54 3550 1775 50 17500 17500 145.8 1.4 710 275 650
P4 50 50 042 MX SS 026 289 138 650 54 7500 3750 77 25500 25500 141.7 0.7 710 275 650
P4 50 50 068 AB SS 027 308 230 900 80 4960 2480 110 25500 17500 193.5 1.7 1010 590 1010
P4 50 50 082 AB SS 032 312/316 230/345 1050 92 4160 2080 123 25500 17500 240.9 2.3 1320 553 1215
P4 50 57 093 AB SS 037 367/369 345 1300 106 3700 1850 137 25000 25000 275 3.9 1474 616 1295
P4 50 50 110 AB SS 044 330 500 1470 122 3160 1580 154 25500 25000 330.9 5.4

* For example, when replacing a TR 288 porcelain unit with a composite insulator, the given composite insulator deflection (2.6 inches) is measured at 560 lbs (40% of the TR 288's rated 1400 lbs) For Corona Ring, change catalog number to MA instead of MX

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