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Zforce ZNP Arresters (Normal Duty)

The type ZNP distribution class arresters provides surge protection to overhead systems.



  • Zforce Arresters have mold-on polymer housing for the ultimate seal against moisture ingress
  • High strength Fiberglass for high fault-withstand design
  • Integrated Ground Lead Disconnet for fast, reliable operation
  • Operates in less than 2 seconds at 1 amp and less than 2 cycles at 1,000 amps

Performance: The ZNP designs are tested in accordance with the latest ANSI/IEEE standards for metal oxide arresters. (patent no. 5,923,518)

  • High Currect - Sort Duration 65kA
  • Low Current - Lon Duration 150 amps
  • Nominal discharge class per IEC 5kA
  • Duty Cycle - 10kA
  • Line Discharge Class per IEC: Class 1
  • Fault Withstand Capability: 20kA rms-sym
  • REA Listed

ZNP Protective Characteristics Dim Drawing Image

ZNP Protective Characteristics

Catalog Number Voltage Rating (Ur) (kV rms) MCOV (Uc) (kVrms) Equivalent F.O.W. kV (Crest) Switching Surge kV (crest) Discharge Voltage (1.5kA) Discharge Voltage (2.5kA) Discharge Voltage (3kA) Discharge Voltage (5kA) Discharge Voltage (10kA) Discharge Voltage (20kA) Discharge Voltage (40kA)
ZNP009 9 7.65 29.9 23.7 25.4 26.2 26.6 28.2 30.5 33.8 39.9
ZNP010 10 8.4 32.9 26.3 28.1 29.2 29.6 31.3 33.9 37.4 43.9
ZNP018 18 15.3 59.7 47.4 50.7 52.3 53.1 56.4 61.0 67.5 79.7

1.  Reduce creepage by 1.45 inches (36.8mm) when ordering without insulating bracket.
2.  Weight does not include metal mounting hardware
3.  MCOV = Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage that may be applied continuously between the 
     terminal of the arrester.
4.  The equivalent Front-of-Wave is the maximum discharge voltage for a 5kA impulse current wave
      which  produces a voltage wave cresting in 0.5 μs.  5. Based on switching surge current imulse of
    45x90 μs, 500 amperes. 

English Metric

ZNP Physical Data

Catalog Number Creepage (in) Strike (in) A (in) B (in) C (in) Diameter (in) Weight Lbs (kg) Bracket Creepage (in) E (in) F (in) G (in)
ZNP009-0000000 15.04 7.69 8.83 4.00 7.71 3.93 2.9 4.60 1.88 2.70 1.31
ZNP010-0000000 17.41 8.00 9.14 4.00 8.02 3.93 3.0 4.60 1.88 2.70 1.31
ZNP018-0000000 26.59 11.23 12.23 4.00 11.16 5.43 4.8 9.16 2.13 2.95 1.66


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