LineBOSS 15.5 kV – 38 kV Sidebreak GOAB Switch


The LineBOSS™ Sidebreak switch is the most robust, yet elegant sidebreak switch in the market today. Every LineBOSS™ component brings meaningful operator benefits for years to come. Features such as 1/4 inch steel phase base, stainless steel to brass bearings, silver plated copper reverse loop contacts and busbar blades mean efficient and smooth operation over a very long life; even in hostile environments where dust, humidity, corrosives and other industrial or natural contaminants play havoc with most. You’ll be amazed with how much switch you can buy for the money. The LBS distribution switch is RUS accepted.

Switch Ratings

Voltage Class: Continuous Current Class: Fault Close: Momentary Current: Ice breaking: Mechanical:
15.5 kV 600 A 15 kA rms-asym: 5 X manual operation 600 A: 40,000 A rms/65 kA peak – 10 cycles 25,000 A rms 3 seconds 3/4″ (manual operation) 5000 cycles (open/close)
25.8 kV 900 A 20 kA rms-asym: 3 X manual operation 900 A: 51,000 A rms/72 kA peak – 10 cycles 32,000 A rms 3 seconds
38 kV 1200 A 30 kA rms-asym: 2 X manual operation 1200 A: 70,000 A rms/99kA peak – *10 cycles 44,000 A rms 3 seconds
*Inertia exceeds ANSI required of 60 kA rms momentary


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